
Fire Fighting

Fire and explosion pose a great danger to life and buildings, but in many cases, they are preventable. In situations where fire cannot be prevented, damage can be minimized if combustion theory and fire propagation methods are properly understood and evaluated. Statistics and analyses show that one of the main reasons for the spread of fires is the lack of primary fire extinguishing equipment, automatic fire extinguishing systems, warning systems, and people's lack of knowledge about Fire Safety.

1 day
3 years
Azerbaijani, Russian, English, Turkish

Purpose of the training

·        Fire notification.

·        Explaining ways to reduce fire risk

·        Teaching the rules of safe behavior during a fire

·        Choosing the right firefighting methods

Providing information about portable firefighting equipment and explaining the rules of safe use

What will I learn

·        Basic principles of combustion theory

·        Determination of fire safety methods

·        Fire classification

·        Choosing and using the right fire extinguisher

·        Firefighting methods

·        Awareness of obligations related to fire safety


  • Introduction/ Acquaintance

·        Local Legislation and International Standards

·        Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Fire Safety

·        Fire Safety Regulations in the Republic of Azerbaijan

·        Organization of fire safety measures

·        Formation of fire

·        Causes and consequences of fire

·        Combustion theory (ignition triangle)

·        Ways of fire (heat) propagation

·        Types of fire (classification - classes)

·        Means of extinguishing fire

·        Types and rules of use of various fire extinguishing (Extinguishers) and fire protection equipment

·        Preventive measures against fire

·        Risk Assessment

·        Emergency measures

·        Fire extinguishers (inspection and maintenance)

·        Demonstrate how to use fire extinguishers / practical instruction

·        Practical part

·        Training evaluation.

“Eduline” Additional Education İnstitution

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