"Fundamentals of Azerbaijani legislation"
Security guards are provided with the following knowledge and skills as a result of mastering "basics of Azerbaijan legislation".
Purpose of the training
Studying the fundamentals of legislation in the field of private security and normative legal acts regulating the activities of security guards
Acquiring knowledge about the legal status of security guards and the organizational basis of their activitie
Conducting risk assessments to ensure the safety of protected objects, taking appropriate security measures, and preparing security plans
Learning about the requirements for monitoring and controlling private security activities
Making legally competent decisions in various professional situations and assisting law enforcement agencies in maintaining order
What will I learn
Security guards must understand the importance of ensuring the legal rights and interests of their clients, and respecting human and civil rights and freedoms in the provision of security services. Respecting human and civil rights and freedoms is the basis of a democratic society. Organizations or individuals represented by security services should pay attention to this when providing security measures and conducting law enforcement operations.
After mastering the "basics of Azerbaijani legislation," security guards are prepared and advised to carry out their activities more precisely and effectively. This contributes to the maintenance of justice, integrity, and legality in the country.
· Legislation of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan on protection activities
· Types of legal violations
· Security and human rights
· Decision No. 127 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated August 13, 2007 (rules for using special tools)
· Rights and duties of the security guard
· Criminal law basics
· Fundamentals of administrative law
· Fundamentals of civil and labor legislation
“Eduline” Additional Education İnstitution
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