
Security Training Course

"Eduline" Further Education Institution offers a (Basic Security Training Course) Training Course for Security Guards. The training is taught by professionals in the area of Security.

1 day
3 years
Azerbaijani, Russian, English, Turkish

Purpose of the training

The purpose of the course: Increasing the knowledge and skills of security service employees (Guards) in the area 
of "Security".

What will I learn

·       Introduction/Acquaintance

·       Emergency measures - Evacuation

·       Legislation and requirements for security activities

·       Hazards

·       Basics of private security service

·       Main functions of private security service

·       Types of private security service

·       Basic principles of security service

·       Requirements for a security guard (personal qualities of a security service employee)

·       The role, rights, and duties of a security service employee (Guard)

·       Job description of a security service employee

·       Code of conduct and disciplinary rules for security service employees

·       Prevention of theft, vandalism, and sabotage

·       In-facility mode and release system

·       Security systems

·       Access control

·       Patrol guard

·       Detection of suspicious items

·       Rules of conduct when a bomb or suspicious substance (item) is detected

·       Evacuation procedures

·       Hazardous and explosive substances

·       Registration and issuance of vehicles

·       Information security

·       Fire safety (Primary fire fighting)

·       First aid

·       Assessment (written test and practical exercises)


·       Introduction/Acquaintance

·       Emergency measures - Evacuation

·       Legislation and requirements for security activities

·       Hazards

·       Basics of private security service

·       Main functions of private security service

·       Types of private security service

·       Basic principles of security service

·       Requirements for a security guard (personal qualities of a security service employee)

·       The role, rights, and duties of a security service employee (Guard)

·       Job description of a security service employee

·       Code of conduct and disciplinary rules for security service employees

·       Prevention of theft, vandalism, and sabotage

·       In-facility mode and release system

·       Security systems

·       Access control

·       Patrol guard

·       Detection of suspicious items

·       Rules of conduct when a bomb or suspicious substance (item) is detected

·       Evacuation procedures

·       Hazardous and explosive substances

·       Registration and issuance of vehicles

·       Information security

·       Fire safety (Primary fire fighting)

·       First aid

·       Assessment (written test and practical exercises)

“Eduline” Additional Education İnstitution

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