
First Aid

“Eduline” The Additional Education Institution offers first aid training based on the requirements of local (approved by the Ministry of Emergency Situations) and International standards. First aid training is theoretical and practical based on the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan, "European Resuscitation Council Guidelines for Resuscitation 2015" and "American Heart Association (AHA) Standard".

1 day
3 years
Azerbaijani, Russian, English, Turkish

Purpose of the training

·        To eliminate the danger to life

·        To ensure the continuation of vital functions

·        To prevent the deterioration of the condition of the sick or injured

·        Improvement recovery

·        Teach first aid skills to the injured (injured person) at the scene until a professional doctor arrives.

What will I learn



·        Objectives of first aid

·        Cases of application of first aid

·        Assessment of the condition of the victim, examination of the scene, safety rules

·        Advanced medical assistance call procedure

·        Initial examination (DRCAB)

·        D- Hazard - Consideration of the environment and prevention of secondary accidents (in combination with consideration of personal safety)

·        R - Answer - AVPU Table

·        Anatomy and Physiology of the Cardiovascular System

·        Heart massage, practical exercise

·        Circulatory, Airway and Respiratory Management

·        Anatomy and Physiology of the respiratory system

·        Rescue artificial respiration, practical exercise

·        (CPR) Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

·        1 and 2 rescuers with CPR

·        Practical training on CPR

·        Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) use and algorithm

  • Recovery precept

·        Practical exercises (cardiac and respiratory arrest, unconscious patient)

·        Basic Principles of Stopping Bleeding and External Bleeding (DEPP)

·        Placing simple dressings

·        Principles of using simple tires

·        Burns (types, cause and classification)

·        Initial treatment of thermal and chemical burns

·        Eye irritation

·        Washing the eyes from foreign objects and chemicals

·        Primary treatment of serious medical conditions and diseases

·        Basics of personal and general hygiene

·        Contents and rules of use of the first aid kit

·        Training completion and Evaluation (written test and evaluation of practical exercises)

“Eduline” Additional Education İnstitution

Register by filling out a form at the additional education institution “Eduline”, we will contact you by phone to put acquainted with the educational programs and answer your additional questions.

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